Atlas of Garlic Varieties > Hardneck Garlic > Tantal garlic

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Garlic photo Tantal garlic (Tantal (Rožďálovický paličák))

Tantal garlic

Tantal garlic

Local name Tantal (Rožďálovický paličák)

Cloves per bulb 4-6

Bulb weight 55-75 g
Clove weight 10-16 g
Single clove garlic weight - g
10 bulbils weight - g

Country of origine Czechia

Category Czech Garlic

Garlic Photo Gallery

Garlic photo Tantal garlic
Tantal garlic
Garlic photo Tantal garlic
Tantal garlic
Garlic photo Tantal garlic
Tantal garlic

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Last update: 01. April 2024